A good oral care is very important for overall body health. Yes! you heard it right our oral health play an important role in overall body health. Our mouth is gateway of our body .Our oral cavity is constantly attack by microorganism that causes unhealthy teeth and gums. yellowing of teeth, bad breath, swollen gums and bleeding gums are some of common problem face due to unhygienic oral cavity. So we are sharing certain steps and tips that must be followed on daily basis for proper oral hygiene.
Oil pulling is ancient technique know as "gundusha" this technique is very useful for our oral health and overall body health.
How to do oil pulling?
Oil pulling should be done empty stomach this involve swishing one table spoon of oil in your mouth for 15-20 minutes .
Oil pulling draw toxin from your mouth and overall body.
Dissolve plaque
Reduces bad breadth
Prevent cavities
Reduces inflammation
Improve gum health
Whiten teeth
Decreases the amount of streptococcus mutants in saliva.(streptococcus mutants bacteria found in saliva causes several gum diseases)
Which oil to be used?
You can use coconut, sesame ,mustard and olive oil.
2.Brush your teeth
We have been told since childhood since childhood to brush your teeth. According to American dental association we should brush our teeth for 2miuntes twice a day. There are thousand different types of toothpaste and brush available in market .There is huge debate that which type of toothpaste must be used on daily basis.
Fluoride vs fluoride free toothpaste
Fluoride plays and important role in maintaining the healthy teeth. Fluoride provide strength to our enamel by re building the enamel that has been attacked by acid thus prevent tooth decay.
dentist also advice to use toothpaste that contain Fluoride.
Why some people are choosing Fluoride free toothpaste?
Some people are using Fluoride free toothpaste because they are concern with the amount of Fluoride intake .Now days drinking water also treated with fluoride which increases the Fluoride intake.
According to research of U.S. National Academy of Sciences Institute of Medicine an Adequate Intake of fluoride from all sources as 0.05 mg F/kg body weight/day .Intake of more fluoride then the recommended amount then it may cause dental and skeletal fluorosis.
What is our point of view?
We recommend that adult must use fluoride tooth paste but in very small amount and children under the age of 6 should use Fluoride-free toothpaste to brush their teeth, until parents are confident that their children are not swallowing toothpaste.
Tooth paste vs Tooth powder
Tooth powder are mostly made up of charcoal ,Calcium, minerals and other herbal ingredients .Tooth powder are used by the ancient people but Later on replaced by tooth paste . Although there are many popular brands toothpowder are still available in market .
These are very useful in removing plaque and treat many gum problem
Massaging your gums with powder increases blood flow to our gum tissue. This increases the nutrient rich blood through the gums thus increases the overall health of gums and helps to fight with gum diseases.
They does not contain fluoride so healthy for children.
Cleansing action of tooth powder is less than the tooth paste
What is our point of view?
We advice to use toothpaste in morning and tooth powder in night for healthy gums and clean teeth.
3. Clean your tongue
This steps is as important as brushing your teeth. lot of bacteria and excess debris from tongue The tongue cleaner is made up of metal or plastic. the benefits of using tongue cleaner are
remove bacteria ,improve appearance of tongue, and improve sense of taste.
This process helps to remove bacteria and debris that stuck between your teeth. flossing prevent cavities, plaque and gum problem by cleaning between the teeth where toothbrush can not reach.
5.Mouth wash
Mouth wash removes leftover germs from oral cavity .it provide freshness , plaque ,bad breadth and cavities.
There are many mouthwash available in market. you can also create a DIY mouth wash that is chemical free and very beneficial for your oral health.
DIY mouth wash
Alum mouth wash.
Take a cup of water add 1/4 tablespoon of alum and 1/4 tablespoon of rock salt squish it around mouth for 5 to 10 minutes spit it out.
Alum has multiple benefits it prevent cavities ,cure bleeding gums, prevent bad breath and kill bacteria of mouth
2.Vinegar mouth wash
Mix a tablespoon of apple cider or white vinegar in cup of water .Squish it around the mouth for 5 to 10 minutes spit it out after .
Vinegar create acidic environment it mouth that kill bacteria of oral cavity it is also effective remedy for curing bleeding gums and maintain oral health.
3.clove mouth wash
Take a glass of water add 3 to 4 clove and boil it. Squish it around the mouth for 5 to 10 minutes then spit it .
Clove contain eugenol that has anti inflammatory properties which reduces swelling ,ease pain and its germicidal properties kill germs of oral cavity
4.Ginger Cinnamon mouth wash
Take one glass of water add 1/2 tablespoon Ginger juice and 1/4 table some Cinnamon powder .Boil it . Squish it around the mouth for 5 to 10 minutes then spit it.
Antifungal and antibacterial properties of cinnamon reduces cavities, infection, bad breath and tooth decay while ginger reduces plaque, kill germs, reduces inflammation of gums and provide strength to gums.
5.Essential oil mouth wash
Take a cup of water add two to three drops of peppermint or tea tree oil squish it around mouth for 5 to 10 minutes then spit it.
Peppermint provide freshness to oral cavity, fight with bad breadth and kill germs of our mouth. Tea tree oil also has similar benefits
Replace your brush after every month
Gum massage is important
Squish water in your mouth after having your meals
Brush after 30 minutes taking your meal
Avoid smoking ,drinking too much caffeine and eating tobacco
So these are certain tips that help you to maintain your oral hygiene. Make sure too follow each step for healthy teeth and gum.