Are you facing the problem of itchy hair scalp? Well, then you first need to know the reason for this problem.
Reason for itchy scalp
Fungal infection
Chemical allergy
Weather change
Excess sweat
These are some reasons behind itchy hair scalp. . Sometimes itchy hair scalp becomes the reason for embarrassment as it makes us look unhygienic. Itching of hair scalp can be treated easily at home with simple home remedies.
Lemon is easily available in our home. Lemon juice is very useful against itchy hair scalp. Lemon juice acts as a scalp cleanser that removes dirt and chemical from our scalp. Lemon has antimicrobial properties thus kill bacteria and fungus of hair scalp. The acidic nature of lemon juice balances the pH level of the hair scalp and decreases excess oil production.
How to apply?
Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with three tablespoon Aloe vera gel
Apply on the hair scalp.
Leave it overnight.
Wash with shampoo.
2.Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil has multiple benefits on our hair. It is also used to treat itching of hair scalp. Tea tree oil is a potent hair cleanser that removes dirt and dead cell from the scalp. Tea tree oil also decreases excess oil production. Tea tree oil has an anti-microbial effect that works against fungus. It also moisturizes our hair scalp thus decreases dryness. It also has the insecticidal effect that kills lice a parasite that grows on the hair scalp.
How to apply?
Mix two to three drops of tea tree oil with three tablespoons of Aloe vera gel.
Apply on the hair scalp.
Leave it overnight.
Wash with shampoo.
*never apply tea tree oil directly on the hair scalp. It must be diluted before application.
3. Hot oil massage
Massaging your hair scalp with lukewarm oil works very effectively against itchy hair scalp. massage helps to increases blood flow thus more nourishment to hair cells. The oil moisturizes our scalp thus decreases dryness and flakiness. The oil penetrates deeper into the scalp and acts as a protective layer against chemicals. Some oil has antimicrobial properties that protect the scalp from fungus.
How to apply?
Massage your hair scalp for 15 to 20 minutes with lukewarm hair oil.
Leave it for 1 hour.
Wash with shampoo.
4.Aloe vera gel
Any problem related to hair and skin Aloe vera comes to our mind. Aloe vera has multiple benefits on our hair scalp. Aloe vera moisturizes our hair scalp thus decreases dryness and flakiness. it also has a cooling and soothing effect.
How to apply?
Apply Aloe vera gel on the hair scalp.
Leave it overnight
Wash with shampoo.
5.Peppermint oil
Peppermint oil also works against itching. It has antimicrobial properties that remove microbes from our scalp. It acts as a vasodilator thus increases blood flow through the scalp. It contains menthol that provides a cooling sensation to our scalp thus give relief from discomfort.
How to apply?
Mix two to three drops with three tablespoons of Aloe vera gel applied on the hair scalp.
Leave it overnight.
Wash with shampoo
*Never apply peppermint oil directly on your hair scalp. it must be diluted before application.
4.Apple cider vinegar
Apple cider vinegar contains Malic acid that has astringent properties thus decreases itching of the scalp. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It contains alpha-hydroxy acid and Malic acid that act as natural and gentle exfoliator helps to remove the dead cell from our hair scalp. The natural pH of hair scalp is acidic which is disturb by the chemical of different hair products if the use of apple cider vinegar restores the pH of hair scalp.
How to apply?
Take 1/4 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar in a mug of lukewarm water
Apply on the hair scalp.
Leave it for 30 minutes.
Wash with shampoo.
Camphor act as a disinfectant thus cleanses our hair scalp. It has anti-microbial properties and inflammatory properties. It also removes dandruff and kills lice. It removes the dead cell from the hair scalp. camphor increases blood circulation through our hair scalp.
How to apply?
Mix a small amount of camphor with lukewarm oil and massage your hair scalp. Leave it for one hour.
Wash it with shampoo.
These are the home remedies that provide you relief from itching. Do not use any remedy if you are allergic to it. These home remedies are from mild itching. If itching last more than three weeks we should definitely meet a doctor as it may turn into serious diseases